Friday, January 22, 2010

Obama Changes

by Richard Crews
In the wake of the disastrous Massachusetts election, I have observed three changes in Obama's presentation style and strategy.

One is adopting a populist tack largely manifest so far in scolding the big banks and threatening penalty taxes and restrictive banking regulations. This will surely win favor with mainstream, main street, middle class America.

The second is speaking with new vitriol and passion. He has been accused of being too cerebral, too cold and dispassionate. He is evidently taking strides to correct this impression and regain the image approaching bitter contentiousness he showed in his presidential campaign.

The third is getting more--much more--personally, actively involved in formulating and driving legislation. He previously laid out principles for his agenda and invited--and expected--the House and Senate to flesh out the details (which they were unable to do). This has changed.

It will be interesting to see if these changes are effective, and if Obama can rescue health-care reform, infrastructure rehabilitation, green-energy development, and Senatorial support for his foreign policy initiatives from the paralyzed morass into which the legislature has sunk.

Most informed pundits seem to doubt that he will be successful. I disagree. I believe that over the next few months we will see a nationwide resurgence of Obamania and constructive legislative kowtowing to executive power.

P.S. The absurd Supreme Court decision earlier this week undoing many years of hard-won campaign finance reform must add another log to this new Obama fire.