Friday, January 29, 2010

Controlled Nuclear Fusion

by Richard Crews
The long-sought, ideal energy source of the future is near at hand.

Controlled nuclear fusion of Hydrogen isotopes producing more energy than is required to ignite them should be demonstrable THIS YEAR !

This prediction is based on the new finding that, despite sophisticated concerns, highly focused, high-energy lasers do NOT disrupt the plasma needed for controlled fusion.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory announced on Wednesday that they have achieved an energy of one megaJoule on target. Current calculations show that about 1.2 megaJoules of energy will be enough for ignition, and current equipment at the Lawrence can run as high as 1.8 megaJoules.

Experiments using slightly larger hohlraums (target containers) with fusion-ready fuel pellets--including a mix of the Hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium--should begin before May, slowly ramping up to the 1.2 megaJoule mark before year's end.